Register Your Team for an Event

Register Your Team for an Event

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to register your team for a new event from a web browser.
Log into your account on
  1. Click 'Find Event'.

      2. Click the 'Search' field and type the name of the event you want to register for. 
      3. Click 'Search'.

      4. Select the title of the event you're looking for.

      5. Click '$ Register Team'.

      6. Click the 'Name' field and type the name of your team. 
      7. Click 'Upload' and select an image for your team logo from your device. 

      8. Enter the zip code or location for your organization.

      9. Click the division drop down. 

      10. Select your division. 

      11. If adding multiple divisions, click 'Add Team/Division'. Repeat previous steps for each division.
            a. If creating more than one team of the same division, use a different 'Expansion' to differentiate.
      12. Click 'Next'.

      13. Click the 'Card Number' field and enter your payment information. 

      14. Click 'Submit Payment'.

      15. Click 'Continue'.

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